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Wondering if you can be successful in career and motherhood at the same time?

You can be successful in your career and motherhood at the same time! It’s a matter of defining what you consider to be successful both in your career and as a mother. Then prioritizing the most important achievements in each area and truly letting go of what you decide is not important. Remember there is only one of you! No one can do everything!

What is your personal definition of career and motherhood success?

What 5 things do you want to achieve this year in your career?

What 5 things do you want to achieve as a mother this year?

All working moms struggle with work-life balance. Look for ways to relieve the stress such as hiring help with house cleaning, laundry, or possibly healthy food delivery services a couple times a week. Also delegating tasks at the workplace and not taking on more responsibilities than your work time allows.

Get advice and support from other working moms you trust and hire a personal coach. Coaching is about hiring a relationship that you help design for the purpose of supporting you in ways that will move you forward past obstacles you cannot shatter alone. You hire coaches for your children, hire a coach for yourself today!

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