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Writer's pictureMelody Taylor-Fliege

Today's Takeaway from Coffeeshop Group Coaching - Beijing, China - 26 September 2019

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” –Zig Ziglar

The ups and downs of stress can be confusing and challenging, especially when the downs turn into negative thinking. There is a difference between wallowing in negativity and diving deeper into it to face, acknowledge, accept, and letting go in order to move on to what comes next. Gratitude, creativity and consistency can be valuable tools to cope with stress. For example, consistency in routines that are simple enough to quickly complete, flexible enough to still accomplish even with delays, yet effective enough to capture motivation that engages you in the next action.

  • What tools have been effective in managing your stress?

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