Today’s takeaway from Free Coffeeshop Group Coaching – Beijing, China – 12 November 2019 is:
“One must marry one’s feelings to one’s beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one’s life.”
Napoleon Hill
Today’s Coaching Takeaway from the Solana-Starbucks Group Coaching: Figuring out where you are and how to bring about a balance that helps you move forward and brings you to the next phase of the cycle is an ongoing process that we all face. It’s all about change. Change is balancing the internal with the external or the external with the internal. The push-pull (推拿 Tuīná), the back and forth, the up and down; everything is connected and works with each other and can also work against each other in the process of change. The 5-Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) stemming from Chinese philosophy shows how everything is connected, revealing cycles and patterns in every experience if you know what to look for. Using simplicity and common sense, the 5-Elements can be a practical coaching tool helping you figure out where you are in the cycle; therefore, what might come next.
What might you be resisting right now in the change you face?
Where is the balance in this moment?
What can you learn right now from your current experience before moving to the next?