Today’s Coffeeshop Coaching takeaway from Taipei-Taiwan China is:
“Life is meant for awesome adventures, good friends, great coaches, and LOTS of coffee!” – Melody Taylor-Fliege
Topic: What is your WiFi Confucianist Mantra?
Taipei, a prosperous island metropolis made on modern wealth; producing and researching electronics is the forte; offering free public WiFi to visitors and residents alike. Connection and transparency offer great perspectives to analyze all your relationships. One of the worlds tallest skyscrapers, Taipei-101, provides a tall and robust perspective. Strong enough to withstand earthquakes and typhoons, yet accessible for an impressive bird’s eye view perspective at 1,667 feet (508 meters) can help to distance you from a situation. There’s a 19th Century Confucius Temple from the Qing Dynasty to offer you a Confucianist perspective. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Dalongdon Baoan Temple with beautiful stone and wood carvings give a lions-and-dragons perspective.
How connected and transparent are you in your relationships?
What impressions can you get from 1,667 feet (508 meters) above your current issue?
How are you strong, tall, and accessible? And what does it mean to you?
What would the famous Chinese philosopher and teacher Confucius say about what you’re currently facing?
What are your lions and dragons? And what can they teach you?
“He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.” –Confucius. What is one more question you can ask yourself right now?
What is your WiFi Confucianist Mantra?