Today’s Coffeeshop Coaching takeaway from Giza, Egypt is:
“Life is meant for awesome adventures, good friends, great coaches, and LOTS of coffee!” – Melody Taylor-Fliege
Topic: How do your values measure up against the challenges of time?
Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, offers perspectives laced with myth, legend, and mysticism. With monumental pyramids (4,500-year-old burial tombs built for the kings) offering a panoramic perspective of prioritizing what in your life is valuable enough to have buried with you. The mythical human and lion hybrid guardian – the Sphinx, provides the iconic standpoint perspective of truth, integrity as protection. A Nile Cruise offers an enjoyable exploration of the biblical waters, and great parable perspectives to open up hidden pearls of wisdom from your current life script while floating above emotions. Mosque tower’s calls to prayers offer sublime desert experience perspectives and perspectives of self-discipline and striving for a greater good.
If you had your own magnificent pyramid burial tomb, what in your life is valuable enough to have buried with you and why?
The Sphinx half-lion, half-human represents what with your current dilemma?
What message do you read from a hieroglyphics perspective about your next step?
If your current challenge were a mythical legend, how would it read?
Which values does the Sphinx represent in your life?
What do you need to let go of to receive more?
At life’s end, what will be the words written in your life script?