Today’s Takeaway from Free Virtual Coffeeshop Group Coaching – via ZOOM – 07 November 2021 is:
“Every weakness contains within itself a strength.”
Shusaku Endo
Today’s coffeeshop coaching showed how our strengths often reveal themselves through our worries, insecurities, and weaknesses, especially when we feel safe enough to express inner truths. There is something about saying things aloud that enables us to hear something new or finally make sense of an old message. Worrying about something we feel as our weakness can block us from seeing how much of strength it is. The truth is that weakness is almost always the shadow side of strength. Too much of anything becomes a bad thing. Understanding strengths requires experiencing weaknesses. Weakness is where the struggle is that makes us reach for change. Change is almost never a smooth process. It’s usually more of an obstacle course that requires us to deal with things in an original way, with creativity and an open mind. You may not be giving yourself enough credit; push forward with kindness and more love.
If you look at three of your strengths, what do you notice about how they may have been created?