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Extraordinary Times of Covid19

“Extraordinary accomplishments are only achieved when we are able to overcome extraordinary challenges.”

O.J. Brigance

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary cooperation, thinking, and dealing with right now! Keeping yourself, friends, colleges, and kids’ brains active, combatting loneliness, staying sane in the drastic situations you may be facing – all are part of new daily struggles caused by the covid19 outbreak. Of course, there are so many Apps and websites responding to offer help, and It’s impossible to check out all of them. So here are two bits of guidance that stood out to me, and I’ll tell you why.

Since last month many coaching clients have been asking questions about immediately changing careers, developing business skills, strategies, and how to take a business online quickly. Even my last online Coffeeshop Coaching topic was pulled in this direction by participants.

For all my coaching clients, colleges, and those interested in becoming a coach, the ICF International Coach Federation, which I am part of, put together a COVID19 landing page of resources that helps support our coaching clients.

As a life coach, my clients are also parents, grandparents, or knows someone who is. For these people, the National Geographic answered THE BIG QUESTION: HOW DO I PUT MY (SUDDENLY) STAY-AT-HOME KID ON A DAILY SCHEDULE? With awesome ideas, like virtual field trips, consistency tips, boredom busters, and so much more! My favorite was their family debate question. “Question for family debate: If we can’t shake hands anymore while greeting someone (too germy!), what’s our best non-contact greeting? Here are suggestions from our readers, including a nod, a hand to the heart, an air kiss, and a split-finger salute used in Star Trek. Live long and prosper, indeed!”

Of course, online coaching support is needed now more than ever during this tumultuous period of extreme change! I’m available and ready to help as many people as I can online. Book your personal coaching appointment today! Or you can buy our popular Coaching Minute-Packs as a gift for a friend that can be used flexibly in your schedule for ongoing coaching support.

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