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Writer's pictureMelody Taylor-Fliege

Another Successful Street Coaching Day In Berlin!

Empowering! Transforming! Touching people's lives around the world is so rewarding as a Coach. I love coaching! Today our team of Street Coaches connected with people from parts of Asia, Europe, North and South America... coaching in German, English and even Russian!

A few comments from participants:

A surprising experience when your just sitting in the grass! --Lore

A good moment to rethink things! --Antonia

Very engaging and drew me out of myself, uncommon for me with a stranger! --William

It was amazing! --Sara

A BIG THANK YOU to our team of coaches! Thank you to all the special people who participated in our Street Coaching and took the courage to open-up to something new!

A beautiful day Am Lustgarten in Berlin, Germany!

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