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Writer's pictureMelody Taylor-Fliege

New Years Resolutions

It is now 2014 mid January! How are you doing on your New Years Resolutions?

Are you repeating the same process of running out of steam like years past? If not, what are you doing different!

2013 taught me so much about approaching goal setting from the inside out and the role my values play in the process. I feel like a new person full of so much momentum for my 2014 goals of growing and developing my business and myself. The thing I'm doing different this year is working with my fears rather than allowing my fears to take charge through my emotions and drive me to anxiety overload. I'm taking time each day where I give my emotions time to release. It's like an emotional meditation but rather than quieting the mind I allow myself to feel what ever I feel throughout my whole body. I cry, laugh, or whatever creatively surfaces. When the allotted time is up, I pull myself together, breath, ground myself and get back to my day. I also do meditate to quiet the mind. I guess I am doing a lot more of self recognition through these types of actions. So far I am seeing progress!

What is different for you this year?

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