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Free Virtual Coffeeshop Group Coaching - Auckland New Zealand - 23 April 2019

Join me online via-ZOOM for my next Virtual Coffeeshop Group Coaching! It’s free! I will be coaching you live from Beijing, China! No need to sign up! To join the online ZOOM Coffeeshop Group Coaching, just click the link below at the appropriate date/time-zone!

30-min. Virtual-Zoom Coffeeshop Group Coaching live from Beijing, China on Tuesday, 16 April 20:00 GMT+8hrs (8pm Beijing China Time Zone) Topic: Power in the walls you create!

Topic: Sailing to New Zealand for new perspectives!

What does Auckland, New Zealand bring to your mind? A beautiful harbor filled with sailboats or great surfing spots, food tastes and smells influenced with indigenous Maori culture, a vast metropolis with a view from its Sky Tower or bungee jumping off its Harbour Bridge, a relaxed hike with breathtaking landscapes or even the Hobbiton Movie Set from “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” movies.

New Zealand creates a unique polar opposites perspective for coaching, with two polar opposites in one island nation much smaller than China or USA. It’s a nation with two distinct climate zones; mild and subtropical in the North, while the South can feel the proximity of the Antarctic polar region so, Southern New Zealand is a destination for winter sports enthusiasts. Zooming the perspective in a bit more; we all have polar opposites, one day stuck in ego trying to be right and the next day a loving partner or supportive friend.

How can you give space (accept the existence of both) in your daily life for your polar opposites? How can you find a balance between your polar opposites?

What do you want most in life?

Try focusing on what you want most, and at the same time imagine bungee jumping off Auckland’s Sky Tower or Harbour Bridge! It’s a free jump so you can repeat it as many times as you want. What becomes most important before, during and after the jump?

What else do you notice?

If what you want most in life was a film, which scenes stand out? And why?

Be prepared to share something you discover from the questions above and ask more questions to the group via chat during the ZOOM-Coffeeshop Coaching. Open your mind and together let’s uncover new perspectives and valuable takeaway tools for your life!

NOTE: If the link above does not work, go to my Free Group Coffeeshop Coaching page on my webpage and at the appropriate time/date click on the ZOOM link found under “Next Free Virtual Group Coaching” list to join.

"Life is meant for awesome adventures, good friends, great coaches, and LOTS of coffee!" – Melody Taylor-Fliege

Virtual Coffeeshop coaching is confidential while using a more relaxed and informal platform that being part of an online coaching group can provide. An added twist of value that Melody brings to the online coffeeshop is the power of perspective. Perspectives are valuable in the coaching process for clarity, opening up and leaning into what's new in any change process. Melody utilizes the energy of her live location in the world at the time of each Virtual Coffeeshop Coaching to help harvest new perspective value and takeaway tools for individual attendees.

We meet online via ZOOM over a cup of coffee, tea, or whatever is appropriate for your time zone. Although this isn’t corporate coaching, don’t be fooled into believing that the depth and amount of change to be achieved is any less. This style of coaching is just as committed as any other form of coaching just experienced in a more gentle and relaxed way of coaching support, encouragement and none-judgmental accountability.These group coachings usually last 30 minutes, and they are FREE! For my worldwide regulars just click on the ZOOM link on my Free Coffeeshop Coaching webpage at the appropriate date/time-zone and topic you desire from the list!

If you are struggling with big changes in your life, need to make a decision, or just need to be heard, coffeeshop coaching virtual or in-person can be the perfect platform for you.

Coaching is a productive relationship enabling YOU to:

Creatively explore solutions

Prevent self-sabotage

Take actions that move YOU forward

Achieve YOUR goals

Attain clarity in what YOU want

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