If you’re a person who is indeed committed to setting your New Years Resolutions this year and achieving them, it’s time to work with a coach! If you are new to coaching, New Years Resolutions can offer a great topic to explore what coaching can do for you.
As your coach, I will help you truly embody and embrace your New Years Resolutions. I’ll help you prune and trim the edges of what is holding you back and help you transform your inner obstacles into what will propel you forward this year in achieving your goals. I will also help you understand how your personal values connect to your New Years Resolutions. If you’re interested, it’s simple! Go to my website life-coaching-with-melody.com and book your appointment today!
Need more information? Go ahead, check out my website life-coaching-with-melody.com for more information about coaching. Caution, Coach Eliza –the virtual coach on my website, could capture your attention with her bright red lips and make you smile through some of her outlandish responses to your questions. She is FREE but don't take her too serious as a coach. Happy Coaching!